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"DIRTY" - The Future Kingz ft. Hopsin [Official Music Video]


Updated: Apr 9, 2022

The Future Kingz teams back up with Hopsin and released their follow up single "DIRTY." Produced by none other than legendary DaBaby producer, DJ Kid in collaboration with Jerry Beats. "Dirty" is shot in conjunction with George Orozco in the concept of a Las Vegas high school Apathy High , where the group skillfully handles the contentious robbery of the Kangsta Wok dance which 2K published as the "Elevator", the introduction of Dytto's new ink, and more. Back in the jumpsuit, Hopsin finds a part-time position as a high school janitor before resuming his duty as Rap God and unleashing a punchline heavy flow before drop kicking a student in the middle of the verse. It is amazing to see the The Future Kingz growth and evolution from dancing in parks for strangers in Chicago to dancing on stage with Chance the Rapper to dancing in their own music videos in less than a decade. Keep up with the fun filled multi-talented group as they continue to work hard being entertainers and tapping into so many opportunities thats headed there way this year.

STREAM “DiRTY” EVERYWHERE: Produced by DJ K.i.D, Jerry Beats, Bass Charity #GoApathyHigh#DiRTY#Kangstaville

"DIRTY" - The Future Kingz ft. Hopsin (Official Music Video):

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